The Goal: To turn a $200 starting bankroll on PokerStars into $2000 over a 20 day period playing micro to low stakes SnG’s. This will be done using Jennifear’s bankroll management guide found here -
I will be allowed to play any SnG game provided I’m using the correct bankroll management. I generally don’t play more than 12 games at once although I’m not going to restrict myself to a limit. I will be playing 8-12 games at once more often than not. I will not be playing any other type of game on Stars during the 20 day period. This is basically a mini version of Boku87’s famous challenge where he turned $100 into $10,000 in 15 days. I will be allowed to play 180 man SnG’s where I believe Boku limited himself to 45 mans as the biggest field. I’m also going to need 5 more days to win 1/5th the money but hey, we all start somewhere right? This would be a huge accomplishment for myself and who knows, maybe it ends up being the 1st of many challenges.
Challenge Date: Tuesday Aug 10th – Sunday Aug 29th
Tuesday August 10th.10 - Day 1
As i type this, it's Monday evening and i'm preparing for my 1st organized poker challenge. I've had problems in the past sticking to plans, not only with poker but in life. I think having a blog will really motivate me to stay on track towards all of my lofty goals. Here is the plan for Day 1:
$1.10 (45 Person) turbos to start but hopefully moving to the $3.40 (10 Person) turbos when i've reached the $215 level.
I will keep the blog updated throughout the 20 days
Anyways, i'm off to get some dinner but as soon as midnight hits, i will be off and running!
Wednesday August 11th.10 - Day 2
It is the end of the second day and after 138 SnG's, mostly $1 45 mans with the odd $1 90 man thrown in, i'm up a measley ten spot. Ten bucks, could be worse right? well.. how about 10 cents profit ? getting there ? I think i'm going to pass on calculating my hourly rate.